Friday, February 15, 2008

Fit Friday, Valentine's

It seems like my "Fit Friday" has become a catch-up time!
So here's my report:
Mon.- walked 2 miles
Tues. gave blood, couldn't do any strenuous exercise, oh darn!
Wed.- renewed gym membership. 30 mins. of cardiovascular between
the treadmill and elliptical machine.
Thurs.- I think it's like against the law to workout on
Valentine's, isn't it?
Fri.- 30 mins. on the elliptical machine and lifted weights (very light weights!)
Check out Kelly, I was one step ahead of her today! I believe in strength training exercises!

Just wanted to take a moment and brag on my wonderful hubby. He made yesterday such a great day for me. It started with him getting the kids up and getting them ready while letting me sleep. When I did get up, he had cooked breakfast! After eating the scrumptious meal, he and the kids gave me the sweetest cards and some yummy chocolate. Last night, we took the kids to a dinner theater that was being put on by our youth group. And though it wasn't 'romantic', we had a great meal and laughed our heads off! And when we got home about 8:30, we couldn't wait to get the kids in bed so we LOST! dare you?! :0 What kind of blog do you think this is, anyway!
I'm a preacher's wife, for goodness sake! LOL!!!

I am so thankful for the wonderful, loving husband that God has given me! I am truly a blessed woman.

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day filled with love!

4 thoughts from Y*O*U:

Mocha with Linda said...

You are too funny!

So how did you and that preacher get those kids then? Hmmm?!?

Mocha with Linda said...

Oh yeah, I forgot. . . Brooke TerKeurst explained it all. Two kids = twice, right?

PJ said...

Happy Valentine's Day -- even if you are the preacher's wife!!!

Jen said...

I love that picture of you two. Yeah, we know you want to keep this G rated so we won't pick on you for that!!! Glad you had a good Valentines and way to go on the fitness routine! I want to start walking tomorrow morning again.